
quick tip: paint furniture

Easy projects can freshen up your home & be inexpensive, too.

white table
Paint an Inexpensive Piece of Furniture
This one is pretty self explanatory, right?
For example, in the above Dining Room, a beat-up old $60 table was bought at an estate sale and given a fresh new look by painting the base a high-gloss white.

Here’s a little more inspiration:
10488308_318299854999209_2538772834615909771_n 10386278_318299894999205_1202319716857998678_n
10388657_318299911665870_8263795822313509593_n 10391392_318299874999207_6250050232735611610_n 10426816_318299931665868_6393179718616782465_n 10431467_318299884999206_7349095016992580775_n 10448742_318299841665877_3459455977816155846_n 10457607_318299921665869_8440334179651402460_n 10482756_318299824999212_6317051117035822524_n 10487499_318299944999200_8007537103818275557_n

Now, grab that paint brush and have some fun!