
on a personal note: i'm new here

Since I'm new to the blog scene (2 weeks +), I want to take this moment to thank you for your support, your enthusiasm and your patience.  I have found something that I really love to do... to share my ideas and knowledge of design and now I have found the perfect venue... a Blog! 

I really hope that you enjoy our time together and that you feel it is informative and helpful in giving you tips for the design of your existing/new home.

As a new 'Blogger', I want to tell you what I hope to accomplish...  As an interior decorator, I run across many ideas, theories, and suggestions that I use on a daily basis to help me choose and decide on items for my clients. Well, I hope that this Blog will enable me to pass along those hints to help you in the process of designing your own home. 

Sometimes, home design can be a bit overwhelming… but if you divide the challenges into small categories; apply these hints; and stay focused on the task at hand… the challenges can be easily conquered and...  you will end up designing a beautiful and functional home that you can be proud of and enjoy for years to come.

If any of you have a special design topic or dilemma that you would like me discuss during my All in the Detail blog, please feel free to contact me.  

I would love to hear from you    

All in the Detail comments are always welcome