
a little more chanel

Welcome to All in the Detail... I am so glad you are here!

It has been a while since I shared with you my obsession, my addiction.
Most of you probably know by now exactly what it is…

My addiction? Why, Coco Chanel, of course.

I love the woman, I love her apartment, I love her elegance, her style, her brand, her clothing, her jewelry, her accessories, her fragrances, her accomplishments, her…


The world would be a better place with just a little Chanel in everything we do.

A while back I did a post on Coco Chanel, the legend and another on Everything Chanel, as well as A Little Chanel in your Day. (You're welcome!) I just love to share my obsession. Well, it is when it comes to fashion.
I think it might be time to revisit Ms. Chanel. I have a computer file stocked full of beautiful Chanel images and I can’t wait for you to see them all… there's just so much BEAUTY, CLASS, INSPIRATION, inside and out. I mean, come on, to start - look at those perfectly symmetrical, interlocking circular, CCs. They are positioned on each item just like a warm little hug from a fashion icon.

So here we go - let's scroll through some beautiful black and white advertisement photos. After all, everyone needs a little more Chanel in their life, right? (and an added plus, I am a sucker for just about any black and white photo, aren't you?)

Welcome to my Happy Place





Recognize any familiar faces?

Now if you are a true addict like me, that wasn't too many images to share.

What do you think, did you overdose or did you just get hungry for more?